Monday, December 20, 2010

kecai hati~

tyme keja; 
ak da rse xsdp ati tyme pkul 9lby tp ak still sedapkan ati sbb da nk blk dari kje..
but then, while i was drove back to home i wish i will not bertembung wif my famly car..
coz my heart pump very hardly~
tp bertembung, ak ingat mama nk g bli pape la..
but then, msuk umah my bro said..
abah kne g ospital, die da xbole jln n air liur meleleh..
ak??just wondering la xde pape, but i still worried..
but then, i trima call from my adik, he crying..
n i said, why?
abah kne strok..
by then the phne trus jatuh n ak ngis truk giler lar..mcm dunia nie da over..
imagin that..
then trus call tok..n tok ckp jgn ngis fatin!
kuat, n sabaq!
tp atin xkuat tok..
atin sedih..
tok jumpa kat kmc na...p sana,,'
ak trus drive g sana...


ak masuk emergency room, n tgk abah, trus ak peluk tok.. 
ya Allah,..  
ak xsggup tgok abah mcm nie..
tgn xboleh gengan.. 
n xbole ckp..
tp syukur abah sedar..n docter just a minor stroke..
thnk ALLAH~

then admit ward..
so i drove back home n take all the things, carpet, bantal, selimut 4 my famly..
so we berkampung ak ward 202...
it a personal ward...

second day...

ak bgun tido n suprise, tgk abah dah bole jln... ya Allah.. kuatkan lah smgat abah ya Allah~
ak cukup bersyukur bila abah da bole bgun n bjalan..
tp notice that sumthing wrong wif abah right face..
like its not working..

*abah..please get well..
xnk tgk abah suffer dah.. 
abah kna kuat..kmi pown akan kuat abah...


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